All packed up |
The day finally came that I had to leave Arnhem and travel back to Wisconsin. I had only gotten about four hours of sleep the night before I left and had to get up really early at 5:30. I said good bye to Mike and then met Emily and Tad in the lobby. We walked with all of our luggage to the Presikhaaf train station. Unfortunately, there is no elevator there so I had to make two trips up the stairs. We had to switch trains that the Arnhem Central station which its such a hassle getting on and off the trains with two heavy suitcases! We finally made it to the airport. Tad came with us to check our bags and then we went and checked his. Unfortunately, we had to say goodbye to each other before security because we had to go to different securities for each gate. And then it was just me and Emily left. The flight left on time around 11:15 and was a really smooth flight. They had okay movies and I watched Beastly and Wall-E and then was bored. We arrived in Chicago around 12:45pm and had no problems going through customs and getting our bags. My mom and dad were waiting for me and were so exited to see me. We drove home and for my first meal back I wanted Gemplers pizza with ranch and chocolate milk! It was really good even though it was my second supper of the day because they served us lunch and supper on the plane. It was a little harder adapting to the time change coming home. The first night back I went to bed at 6:30pm and woke up at 4:30am. The next day I went with my mom to pick up Tanya from Badger Girls State camp. That night we had a family cook out for fathers day, Nicole's and Ryan's birthday and my homecoming. It was really nice to see all of my family again. It took me a few days to completely get over the jet lag. I still have not gotten my car out of storage because my parents seem to have misplaced the keys. I also still have not unpacked because one I don't really know where to put everything and two once I unpack it will really seem like I am home for the summer and not returning to Arnhem. But Nicole is getting mad at how messy our room is so I guess I have to start unpacking soon!
Goodbye Holland! |
Welcome back dear!
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