Friday, January 7, 2011

2011 is finally here!

It is finally 2011 and its hard to believe that I leave for Europe this month!! Finals went well and I finished another semester successfully.  I had a wonderful Christmas and I really can't thank my family enough for all the support they have given me.  I got a few things for my trip such as a video camera, a blanket and pillow for the plane, space saving storage bags for helping me pack, an outlet adaptor and money. At the end of December I moved out of my place at Whitewater.  We were lucky and found two people to sublease it for the spring semester.  My grandparents were especially nice and helped me move out and are letting me store my things in one of their storage sheds which I greatly appreciate.  I am currently in the process of going through my clothes, shoes and everything else and organizing it as to what I want to keep out and what to put away in storage.  My sister is not very happy with how slow this process is going becasue there is barely any room to walk in our room.  I have not really started to pack my suitcase for Europe other than I do have it out and the items that i recieved from Christmas are in it.  I have been talking to a girl from Whitewater who just studied at Arnhem this past fall and she has been very helpful by giving me some tips as what to expect and some packing advise.  I was able to buy some of her things that she does not want to bring back to the States with here which is really nice as it saves me time and money.  I bought her sheets and a blanket, a blow dyer, a laundry basket, clothes hangers, a garbage can and a few storage containers for clothes and things.  She is just going to leave them with a friends and I can go and pick them up once I arrive.  January is going to continue to fly by as it already is less than three weeks before I leave.  This weekend I have Jr. Holstein Convention up in Stevens Point, I am continuing to work at Johnson Controls two days a week, trying orgnaizing my things and pack, and trying to see everyone before I leave.  I have already had a dentist appointment but I still have my eye, hair and doctors appointment yet before I leave.  I hope that I get everything accomplished before I leave!!

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